Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back in the game...this week!

Oh boy did I have the hardest time getting up this morning to work out! I think I feel that day most mornings right when I get up at 7, but today especially. Saturday night I couldn't sleep at all...(kind of like tonight!) and didn't fall asleep until well after 3am!!! When I do this, it's not usually the next day that I have a hard time's the 2nd day after- which was today. Luckily, I have a super great loving husband who got my little man up and ready for school so I could sleep in. At first I was only going to go to the gym 30 minutes late, but it ended up being 50 minutes. And let me tell you, even though I had some cereal (I like Special K red berries) and some exercise enhancing/energy pills- I still almost fell asleep on the treadmill! I don't even know how that is possible. But that is how tired I was. (I am quite proud of myself though for actually getting up and going...a few months ago, I would have totally caved to sleep). I even did my full work out- 20 mins on the techno gym, treadmill, then weights...wait I guess I really can't call it my full workout though. I only did 4 minutes on the treadmill because I almost fell asleep!!
I learned a new fear today. Every Monday, I determined to weigh myself and get my measurements (which I did not get measurements as we had a super busy day including family pictures). But today, when I was at the gym I was terrified to weigh myself. You see, as of last Monday, I had lost 2 pounds and I was absolutely terrified to go weigh myself to see that I had not lost anything, or worse that I had gained anything back. But what do we do with our fears (or try to do when we are feeling courageous) we hit them head on and conquer them!! So I weighed myself and to my astonishment, had lost another pound! While I am not buying any smaller clothing yet, I believe that I am making really great progress!! And I promise, once we get settled into our new house, I will find some skinny me pictures to post with some fat me today pictures!!


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