Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Coming to Terms

I think I have some things I have to come to terms with. Last night I was trying on some new work out shirts I got. I flexed my tummy muscles and NOT to my surprise, they are pretty hard!! They always have been! (I used to have killer abs!) It's just that there is a layer...or two...maybe even three of fat now. Really it's not much though. If you poke my tummy, it's only like a 1/2 inch or less. But my stomach is still huge. And I always think I look pregnant.

So last night, I was showing my husband how firm my abs are. But then I was really upset about how my stomach looks. I just don't understand. And he said something that really stuck out to me. I don't remember his exact words, but he talked about a mama pooch. Some people have theirs lower, but for now, mine is pretty much right in the middle and a little high. I think I will always have this pooch.

I remember years ago when I was a teenager. I was the youngest of 6. Then my parents remarried, and I got some younger step siblings. I was so terrified for my mom to have any more babies. I don't know what it was, but I did not want her to have any more kids. When I was a teenager, she was probably pretty close to being 50. But I always wondered if she was pregnant- because of the shape of her stomach. That was one thing of hers that I did not want to get. But I think I actually did. And I guess I am going to have to come to terms with it. I probably won't ever have a flat stomach again no matter how hard I work...I don't know. I'm not completely ruling that out. But I do know that I will probably always have a mama pooch....and if that is what I have to pay for my precious babies, then I can be okay with that- as long as I always do everything I can not to add to it!!

My challenge for anyone reading this is to see if you have any of those kind of things playing against you. And please share with me!! I would love to hear from everyone and anyone!! This blog is really helping me come to accept my body for what it is and love it! And where it is a learning process and is taking time and inevitably I have set backs and falter, but each day I get a little closer!


CK Morgan said...

we call it "princess pooch" at our house. I like that you call it Mama Pooch...a much better name. I hate that I have it too. Good for you to go to the gym everyday. Do you go to the base one or are you a member somewhere? Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights on here. Saw the link on facebook. -kara

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