Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pushing Through

Well, it's been a rough couple of days! I have felt "under the weather" since we left my mom's. BOO!! I don't know if it's a cold, sinus infection, or something else. But man, it's driving me crazy! By the end of the night I have had a sore, hoarse throat. And it's no fun!

But on the bright side, I have been pushing through and still going to the gym. Not as much or as intense, but I have still been going! Last week I only made it once I was so sick. But this week, I have been going every other day and tomorrow is my next work out. I am really excited! Toady I have felt pretty good. I wasn't sleeping well, so I was so tired last week and most of this week. But today was the first time I haven't been like a walking zombie and I haven't gotten a sore throat yet, so I am hoping it has left me for good!

Oh, and I am happy to report that some of the aches and pains I felt doing different exercises made my back sore, but yesterday I realized it didn't hurt anymore! I am really happy to be building my muscles- especially in my back! I'm still not seeing results the way I'd like, but slowly I am making progress in many different areas! Now that it's starting, I hope it will accelerate!!

Thanks to all my wonderfully supportive friends and family who have kept me motivated and encouraged me! It has really meant the world to me!!


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